The Societas Oecumenica is a European association of Ecumenical Institutes and Departments for Ecumenical studies at Universities of all different confessional backgrounds as well as individual researchers who work in the field of Ecumenical studies. Once a year the newsletter “Signalia” informs the members on the activities of the Societas Oecumenica. Every two years an Academic Consultation is held in one of the European countries. In the constitution you find more information about the work and purposes of Societas Oecumenica.

There are two forms of membership: institutional or individual. The membership fee for institutional members is 60€ per year, for individual members 30€ per year (for doctoral students 15 € per year).

Societas Oecumenica offers the possibility to pay the membership fee by direct debit from. We would be very grateful if you grant us permission to collect the membership fee from your account. To do so, please complete the form and return it to our treasurer Agnes Slunitschek ( The membership fee will be deducted on March 15, yearly.

In order to apply for membership please fill in the following form. The Standing Committee will examine and decide upon the applications, normally on the recommendation of two members of the Societas. Click here to get to know what happens to your data. By submitting the application form, you are consenting to your data being used in the described way.

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